Borderline Personality Disorder can manifest itself at the end of adolescence; that is, in early adulthood. Some of the representative symptoms of this disorder are: instability in interpersonal relationships, chronic feelings of emptiness, frantic attempts to avoid being alone, frequent self-harm including suicide attempts, as well as impulsive acts that could cause the person to abuse substances or become involved in reckless acts. While it is true that this disorder is diagnosed after adolescence, it is also true that there are specialists who have pointed out attachment and parenting styles as predisposing factors for its appearance. What can the family do with the son or daughter who suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder? Will it be possible to give emotional support to the patient to prevent him or her from continuing to hurt himself or herself? In Confidential Dialogues: Borderline Personality Disorder. Follow us on: / canaloncetv / canaloncetv http://www.canalonce.mx