Best wishes to all. A video about the duck, which we have already assembled.. We bought a lot of interesting parts, a new Athena racing 21 cylinder-piston group, and in general it will be a cool duck, we have already disassembled it to the frame, and what else, see for yourself. Link to the Furia channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCvy... ▶▶▶My Social Networks ◆ My VK - https://vk.com/dynek757 ◆ VK group - https://vk.com/team757 ◆ My Instagram - / dynek757 ◆ Team Instagram - / 757team ⚍ ... ⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍⚍ ▶ Be sure to share this video: ◆ • Bws ep.2/Very Expensive Duck/Disassembled...