Attention! Schemes, plans, debuts, AVAILABLE on Booysty and Patrion 1) Link to BOOSTY https://boosty.to/haxmativsem ________________________________ 2) Link to Patrion / shahmatyvsem ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 3) HELP THE CHANNEL. (DONATES.) https://www.donationalerts.com/r/shah... !!!!!!_______________!!!!!! 4) Link to RUTUBE. https://rutube.ru/channel/30378441 ________________________________ 3) World Rapid Championship. New York 2024 _____________________________________ 1) 00:00 Vidit - Murzin World Blitz and Rapid Championship 2024. Slav Defense. 2) 16:43 Continued. 3) 18:37 Capablanca - Schroeder, New York, 1916. 4) 30:34 Continued. ________________________________ 4) Schemes in Sicilianka 4 Paulsen - a game on black fields. On Booysty and Patrion) ________________________________ Support the channel. Qiwi wallet. https://qiwi.com/n/SEVIL626 _____________________________________ Host: Askar Sailauovich. ____________________________________ Channel organizer, video filming, video editing: Evgeniy Parkhomenko. ____________________________________