Prof. Dr. Nikola Alexandrov talks about the harms of industrial foods, the importance of locally produced foods, the natural microflora and the need for fermented foods. Following the principles of good eating habits and combining ancient knowledge and modern technology, Prof. Alexandrov founded a Bulgarian company for the production of probiotic foods and probiotics in capsule form. More information about Daflorn OOD and probiotic products can be found at: https://daflorn.bg/ https://laktera.bg/ https://www.facebook.com/daflorn.toch... #Daflorn #Daflornbg # Laktera #probiotics #EUPatent #USPatent #BGPatent #lactobacillusbulgaricusDWT1 #spacefoods #probiotic #probiotics #Bulgaria #yoghurt #yogurt #Bulgarianprobiotics #prebiotics #synbiotics #lacticacidbacteria #fermentation #Thracians #health #nutrition #repolarisation #anticancer #biotechnological #manufactureplace #manufacture # facility #production #biotechnological #biotechnology #innovations #innovative #AmericanPatent #Thracians #LactobacillusBulgaricus #lactobacillusbulgaricus #Daflorn #DaflornBG #Lactera #probiotics #Europeanpatent #Americanpatent #Bulgarianpatent #probiotic #prebiotics #cosmic wounds #food supplements #synbiotics #health #diet #vegetarians # supplement #food #treatment #organism #functionalfoods #vegetarians #LactobacillusBulgaricus #cancer #anticancer #immunity #nutrition #healthy #aquatic #naturalprobiotics #worldfirst #prebiotics #lactic acids #fermentation #thrace #repolarization #biotechnological #production #innovations #innovative #profAlexandrov # Prof. Aleksnadrov #microbiome #микробиом