Receive a free program and an email every Wednesday that explains how to develop a truly strong body: https://mouvementconscient.podia.com/ #Movement #Movementculture Who am I? My name is Clément and I am a qualified physical trainer from the Faculty of Sports Sciences in Strasbourg. I am "specialized" in Movement, a discipline popularized by Ido Portal, whose goal is to learn to move better in order to develop a complete body that is able to respond to many different situations. To learn more about Movement, watch this video: • What is Movement? How ... I am very involved in the Movement community (Movement Culture), and I have done internships/coachings with Ido Portal, Marcello Palozzo, Joseph Bartz, Mindful Mover, Dr. Wes Hendricks, Joachim Hilderson, Kyle Fincham, Alain Couturier, Marco Nektan, Jonathan Schmidt and Tom Weksler. On my channel, I share the best information about strength, flexibility, speed, endurance and coordination in order to help you develop a strong, useful and well-moving body. My instagram: /the.real.clement #Movement #Movement #MovementCulture