🎁 Learn editing with Idizy in -30mn: https://www.methodeidizy.fr/recuperet... 📖 FREE e-book on editing: https://www.methodeidizy.fr/recuperet... 📍 The link to send me clips: https://forms.gle/DDKzaBaAasQZMwuV8 📍 Pro contact: [email protected] ⚡Twitter: / idizyfx ⚡Twitch: / idizyfx ⚡Instagram: / idizyy On my YouTube channel you can find the best daily League of Legends clips condensed into a 10-minute video with my audio and visual reaction, an original and unique montage that will give you all the latest LoL news. There will be audio commentary to explain and understand the competition clips. Original comments allow me to add value with a narrative line and my critical opinion on the subject. All our videos are commented by Idizy adds value to the videos by adding observations, criticisms or even advice to improve yourself on the game! I post this content online for the purpose of criticism, commentary, and news reporting. We post here the best moments of pro players and streamers with my reactions (from the tournaments we organize) I select the clips myself and I collect what you send me to have the best selection! Then in editing: -I sort the clips to have a coherent narrative line -I apply zooms to accentuate the reactions of the people present on the video -I add humor with sound effects or even deformations to embellish the video -Texts and images to comment on the different clips that we see -Transitions -Music to energize the video -The sound levels of the clips are adjusted to standardize the video The editing allows the video to be pleasant and funny to watch, the goal is to make the user experience unique and perfect. The original comments allow added value to the video thanks to my advice and my reactions The editing takes me about 3 hours per day for each video. Many thanks to Tupile for his help on the clips : / @darkspace6660 / chuisunetulipe Credit : twitch.com/wakzlol twitch.com/Idizyfx twitch.com/chap_gg twitch.com/i_reaz twitch.com/broxah twitch.com/traytonlol twitch.com/hiro_llol twitch.com/walou twitch.com/gudule_1er twitch.com/nisqyy twitch.com/strey_lol twitch.com/flashshad0w twitch.com/sixentv twitch.com/otplol_ twitch.com/zlatkolol twitch.com/tikyjr twitch.com/shambiess twitch.com/skyyart twitch.com/rhobalas_lol twitch.com/slayyko twitch.com/alderiate 00:00 wakzlol 00:12 Idizy 00:22 chap_gg 00:45 i_reaz 01:02 broxah 01:18 traytonlol 01:32 hiro_llol 01:46 walou 02:03 gudule_1er 02:37 wakzlol 03:04 walou 03:12 hiro_llol 03:22 nisqyy 03:33 strey_lol 03:41 flashshad0w 04:09 sixentv 04:46 otplol_ 05:06 zlatkolol 05:26 wakzlol 05:48 tikyjr 06:07 otplol_ 06:37 nisqyy 07:05 tikyjr 07:18 strey_lol 07:29 shambiess 07:44 nisqyy 08:52 skyyart 09:10 traytonlol 10:09 otplol_ 10:22 rhobalas_lol 10:36 skyyart 10:55 slayyko 11:20 Outro 11:33 alderiate Please remain polite and courteous in the comments section! This video is suitable for advertisers, it is a video for all audiences, humor and entertainment! #BestofLoL #LeagueOfLegends #LeagueOfLegendsFR