According to Potter, the Gre-Nal duo has been forming their teams using discredited players, youth teams and a magical signing. Check out the Sala de Redação debate this Wednesday (1). Sala de Redação, one of the oldest and most traditional sports debates in the country, starts at 1 pm. Pedro Ernesto Denardin leads the review with lots of information, relaxation and, of course, opinions on the day-to-day issues of Grêmio and Inter. Sala de Redação - from 1 pm to 3 pm Follow Esportes GZH on Instagram: https://linktr.ee/_esportesgzh 📲 Full coverage at: https://www.gauchazh.com.br/ WhatsApp Gaúcha: (51) 99699-5218 #Grêmio #Brasileirão #Soccer #Sports