In the first video of the Jornada Poliglota Channel, I decided to share a little about my strategies and tips for becoming fluent in languages. I currently study 3 languages at the same time: English, German and Spanish. I have advanced English and basic German and Spanish. I study completely on my own, without the help of private teachers or courses. Based on Radical Behaviorism, a philosophy that underpins Behavior Analysis and has as its main name BF Skinner, I decided to share my strategies and tips on how to learn ANY LANGUAGE. If you are interested in learning more about Radical Behaviorism and Behavior Analysis applied to learning new languages, below is a list of articles and scientific studies: 1. Second Language Learning Theories: https://www.maxwell.vrac.puc-rio.br/1... 2. Behaviorism Today: Learning a foreign language in the 21st century: https://www.editorarealize.com.br/rev... 3. BF Skinner's Verbal Behavior: an introduction: http://pepsic.bvsalud.org/scielo.php?... 4. Evaluating the reasons that lead to learning a second language: The perspectives of the student and the teacher: http://www.ufjf.br/ppgpsicologia/file... CONTACT US BY: Email: [email protected] Instagram: / jornada.poliglota