Spoiler alert: yes, there is. Computer scientist prof. dr. Harry Buhrman (UvA) appeals to your imagination and explains how this issue has shaken science to its foundations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This week in the University of the Netherlands: Computer scientist prof. dr. Harry Buhrman! Harry Buhrman is professor of Computer Science at the University of Amsterdam and is affiliated with the Centrum van Wiskunde & Informatica as a research group leader. Professor Buhrman is currently mainly involved in research into the computer of the future: the quantum computer. Want to know more? Click here for more information! http://www.universiteitvannederland.n... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the University of the Netherlands: The best professors in the Netherlands give free lectures on the internet. A new lecture is posted online every working day, and a new professor every week. Attend a recording? You can! Four evenings a month we record lectures in Club AIR, Amsterdam, and you can be there. During such an evening we record five lectures of fifteen minutes, followed by Q&A and meet and greet (because by then the professor is a rock star). Highly recommended! For tickets and more information ► http://www.universiteitvannederland.n... Check our website! ► http://www.universiteitvannederland.nl/ Twitter ► / universiteitnl Facebook ► / universiteitvannederland