Created in the late 19th century, Pinocchio came into the world as a true manipulator, not just a mischievous child. He came into the world to have no responsibilities and not care about rules, but these attitudes caused him to go through several life-or-death situations and commit the heinous act of murder! This is the macabre story of Pinocchio. Technical Details: SCREENWRITER: Victor Lisita / VIDEO EDITOR: Rogério Rolo / ILLUSTRATOR (THUMBNAIL): Marco Túlio Dutra / DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY / CAMERA OPERATOR: Francisco (Sombra) / CINEGRAPHER: Cristiano Dos Santos / CAMERA ASSISTANT: Carlos de Freitas / TECHNICAL ASSISTANT: Osvaldo Freitas (Tracajá) / PRODUCER: Thales da Guarda / AUDIO CAPTURE AND EDITING: Guilherme Borges / HEAD OF YOUTUBE DEPARTMENT: Muryllo Vilela / SCREENPLAY REVIEW: Fernando Brandão / EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Luiz Phellype Alves