The film shows the passage of the legendary Ridge of Forks in the direction from Łomnica to Kežmarský Peak. Difficulty up to IV, very high exposure in places, several descents. Our time to pass the ridge: less than 6.5 hours. The entire trip from parking lot to parking lot: about 14 hours. Adventure Projects on Instagram: / adventure projects 00:00 Introduction 00:41 Łomnica - Wyżnia Miedziana Przełączka 01:24 Wyżnia Miedziana Przełączka - Niżnia Miedziana Przełączka 06:23 Niżnia Miedziana Przełączka - Western Fork Peak 08:04 Western Fork Peak - Pass in Fork 11:06 Pass in Fork - Great Fork Peak 16:38 Great Fork Peak - Wyżnia Przełęcz w Fork 20:27 Wyżnia Przełęcz w Fork - Eastern Fork Peak 22:32 Eastern Fork Peak - Kezmarska Pass 25:06 Kezmarska Pass - Kezmarski Peak 27:21 Summary