Second video of Nutritional Questions about breakfast, dedicated to all the doubts that arose last week with the controversy on social media about breakfast. Is our current breakfast so bad? Is there an ideal breakfast? What businesses have been set up around breakfast? What can we eat for breakfast that is healthy? Why is it so hard for us to change our breakfast? All these doubts in this installment of doubts about nutrition. INFORMATION CITED IN THE VIDEO: White flour: http://www.eldiario.es/clm/de_boca_en... Honey: http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/videos/es... Processed meat: http://blog.rtve.es/nutricionrtve/201... Fruit vs. juice: http://blog.rtve.es/nutricionrtve/201... Skimmed vs. whole dairy products: http://blog.rtve.es/nutricionrtve/201... -----Mi Dieta Cojea also on other social networks---- Blog: www.midietacojea.com Twitter: / midietacojea Facebook: / midietacojea YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqcC... Instagram: / midietacojea Blog podcast: http://goo.gl/