A teacher's notes are the cook's recipe. You can have them, but without him it should not be possible to carry out the same success. The problem is that not all teachers believe this, which is why Aitor introduces the figure of what he calls "malcente". Education does not revolve around who it should, the student, but around the system. We have compromised education. What will happen in a few years when those who are being educated today are the ones who make the decisions? Our education will be shown in the future not by what the University gave us, but by what we give it. These are some of the ideas that Aitor Sánchez wanted to convey as inspiration for change. He is a Dietician-Nutritionist and Food Technologist. He investigates and disseminates information about food, education and science in different media, including RNE, Naukas, as well as having founded his blog Mi Dieta Cojea and the Bite app. Educator and trainer of different non-formal education organizations. He dedicates a large part of his life to youth associations. Scout and volunteer as a way of life. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx