Aitor Sánchez García, dietician-nutritionist, talks about how part of the Food Industry contributes to maintaining myths in the population about food and health. He also analyses how these myths have been perpetuated by health personnel who have not stopped to validate whether they were true or not. Lecture corresponding to round table 8 of the Kausal 2016 Food Safety and Self-Control Congress in Vitoria, from 25 to 27 May. ROUND TABLE 8: NUTRITION. HEALTHY EATING. The following appear on the table: 1) Nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics. Dolores Corella. Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology Unit. Faculty of Medicine. University of Valencia / Tufts University. Changing eating habits. A possible task. 2) Bittor Rodríguez. Nutrition and Obesity Researcher. University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. Study of eating habits and nutritional status of the Spanish population. 3) Alejandro Martínez Berriochoa. General Manager of the Eroski Foundation. Myths about healthy eating and scientific reality. 4) Aitor Sánchez García. Expert in Dietetics - Nutritionist. Food Technologist, Predoctoral Researcher in Clinical Medicine and Epidemiology. Department of Nutrition and Bromatology - Faculty of Pharmacy. University of Granada. Coordinator: Javier García. Department of Health of the Basque Government. -----My Diet Limps also on other social networks---- Blog: www.midietacojea.com Twitter: / midietacojea Facebook: / midietacojea YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqcC... Instagram: / midietacojea Blog podcast: http://goo.gl/2dKYA0