Traders from all over the world came to the Hanseatic city of Deventer to sell their goods on the Brink. Honest trade was of great importance and therefore the measurements had to be monitored. The reputation of a reliable trading city was essential. A trade violation, such as counterfeiting, was punishable. In the Middle Ages, counterfeiters ran the real risk of being boiled alive in a cauldron. It happened to the mint master of Batenburg in 1434. For centuries, this feared cauldron hung on the side wall of De Waag as a deterrent. For conservation and safety reasons, the cauldron had to be brought inside. In December 2023, during the Hanseatic year, the long-awaited replica of the counterfeiter's cauldron of Deventer was completed. This imitation cauldron replaces the original on the outside of De Waag. For over a year and a half, the members of the coppersmiths' guild from 's-Hertogenbosch worked with great passion and dedication on this replica. All twenty members have taken a part for their own account. That turned out to be a valuable process... ---- The replica was made possible by the Municipality of Deventer, the Association de Waag, the Bergkwartier Working Group Foundation, the Erven Witteveen Foundation and the Bolkestein Fund. Also see museumdewaag.nl/valsemuntersketel