BEAUTIFUL TRAIL OF THE AMAZON OF INDONESIA, Siregol Hill, Purbalingga Regency, Central Java This time I will invite my friends to see the beautiful road in the Purbalingga Regency area, where this place is nicknamed by the community as the Amazon of Indonesia, that place is Siregol Hill. America has the Amazon Forest, while Purbalingga has Siregol Hill, which is said to be like the hills of the Amazon Forest. Siregol Hill is located between Sirau Village and Kramat Village, Karangmoncol District, Purbalingga Regency. This hill is famous for its very green natural beauty surrounded by valleys, dense trees and waterfalls, Siregol Hill is one of the beautiful places in Indonesia. America has the Amazon Forest, while Purbalingga has Siregol Hill, which is said to be like the hills of the Amazon Forest. Siregol Hill is located between Sirau Village and Kramat Village, Karangmoncol District, Purbalingga Regency. This hill is famous for its very green natural beauty surrounded by valleys, dense trees and waterfalls. To get to Siregol Hill, you can get there from the center of Purbalingga City by various routes. Because the road to this hill is smooth because it is paved so it is easy to travel. However, the condition of this hill road is winding and up and down and on the side of the road it is directly adjacent to a deep ravine and there are several sections of the road that are prone to landslides, there are even several points where landslides from hills and rivers are visible, making the road on Siregol Hill quite extreme. When driving and enjoying the amazing scenery, we must not be careless because if we fall, we will immediately fall into a very deep ravine. With its dense trees, this forest area is also still inhabited by wild animals such as Javan gibbons, Javan eagles, monkeys, slow lorises, jelaragan hawks, wild boars, and it is even said that there are panthers. In addition, this forest also stores prehistoric relics in the Lumbung mountains area, in the form of historical objects, namely altars, dolmens, phallus and various household appliances. These objects are believed to have been made by prehistoric humans around 1,500 years before Christ. This channel provides information about tourist attractions, travel, culinary and culture. #beautifulroad #road #amazon #indonesia #hill #purbalingga #purbalinggaregency #america #america #amazonforest #centraljava #extremeroad #touring #ruralatmosphere #alternativeroad #purbalinggatourism #centraljavatourism #motorcycletouring