A definitive video for preparing Service Orders, INCLUDING for professionals who are not in the OHS area. HR and DP professionals, for example, often find themselves having to prepare a Service Order due to the absence of SESMT in the company. Let's go together? Ideally, a Service Order (also called OS) should be the first contact between occupational safety and a new employee. It is the gateway to starting a relationship between the two parties, in order to protect the rights and duties of both employee and employer. First of all, it is good to clarify the type of OS that we will address here. This is because there are OSs issued daily that refer to the work to be performed THAT DAY. For example: a company that acts as an internet provider. Every day there are technicians who go out to the streets to perform various services and for each of them there is an OS, stating the address of the client (or the location of the service), what type of service (installation, maintenance or some other inherent to the function) among other specific information about their work THAT DAY. These Service Orders are issued daily and vary according to the type of work to be performed, technically indicating which service will be performed. It is a technical work order related to the execution of a service. The Service Order that we are going to discuss refers to the employee's role and all the activities that he/she will perform within the company. Unlike the previous one, the employee does not receive this work order every day. He/she receives it once with an approach focused on work safety in view of all the activities that he/she is able to perform in the company. If there is any change in his/her activities, work methodology or any variable that interferes with his/her safety, the work order must be submitted again. Learn more by watching the video #NR01 #ServiceOrder #SSTOnline http://www.sstonline.com.br/