Signs of stomach cancer. About the method of diagnosing early stomach cancer. ▶ 🌍 https://short.clinic/5khad-1 ◀ Sign up for a consultation at the Hadassah Clinic at the link. Find out about the cost of Hadassah Clinic services at the link: https://short.clinic/hadassah-price 🔵🔵🔵 Breast reduction surgery: • 👩 Reduction mammoplasty: is it indicated... Is breastfeeding possible after breast surgery? • 👶Is breastfeeding possible after... 7 signs of cancer: • ☝ Cancer does not hurt: 7 early symptoms of it... Find out more about the diagnosis of early stomach cancer - Subscribe to the Hadassah Clinic channel https://short.clinic/hadassah-subscribe 🕜 Click on the numbers to navigate the time of the video. 0:00 → The problem of both early diagnosis and prevention of cancer, including stomach cancer, has not been solved worldwide. The main problem is that there are no specific signs by which one can determine the early stage of the disease. Diagnosis of early stomach cancer. 0:22 → The whole problem is that the symptoms of the so-called manifestation of the tumor process appear only in the late stages of the tumor process. They are mainly associated with intoxication, when the tumor has spread further - as a rule, beyond the stomach itself and has spread to the lymph nodes, or distant metastases have already appeared in other organs or tissues. Tumor intoxication leads, as a rule, to loss of appetite, weight loss, weakness, drowsiness, headaches - but, nevertheless, there is no specific sign that would say 100% that the person who has it has a malignant tumor of the stomach. This is the main problem. 1:11 → The main method of diagnosing stomach disease – any – no matter whether it is malignant or any other disease – or benign (this also exists) – is gastroscopy. It is recognized throughout the world as the only correct and, so to speak, specific and reliable method of diagnosis. Diagnosis of stomach cancer. 1:34 → 40 years is considered the age when it is necessary to begin a routine examination of the stomach. It consists – I repeat – in gastroscopy. This is the first and only, at the moment, study, having performed which, you can say with a high degree of probability whether there is an initial stage or not. Diagnosis of early stomach cancer. VOLOBUEV ANDREY VLADIMIROVICH Chief physician, surgeon, oncologist 🌍 Official website: https://hadassah.moscow/ 🏥 Address: 121205, Moscow, territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center, Bolshoy Boulevard, house 46, building 1. 📞 Phone: +7 (499) 112 23 05 🔵 Working hours: 8:00 - 20:00, Mon-Sun 📨 E-mail: [email protected] We invite you to our groups in social networks: 🔴 Telegram: https://t.me/Hadassah_Medical_Moscow 🔴 VKontakte: https://vk.com/hadassah_moscow 🔴 Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/id/5d5ab888f0d4... Prepared by Hadassah Medical Moscow, together with https://youupvideo.ru #stomachcancer, #diagnosisofearlystomachcancer, #hadassah_medical_moscow There are contraindications, specialist consultation is required //_5KHAD.1