/ miguelitoacostactorproducer The film Vermelho Brasil is directed by Sylvain Archambault, and stars Stellan Skarsgard, Joaquim de Almeida, Sagamore Stévenin, Theo Frilet, Juliette Lamboley, Olivier Chantreau, Miguelito Acosta, Giselle Motta and a great cast. Synopsis: Based on the book by French writer Jean-Christophe Rufin, the film Vermelho Brasil tells the story of Nicolas Durand Villegaignon's expedition to Brazil around the year 1550, and his struggle to create a French colony on Brazilian soil. My character is a native warrior, right-hand man of the villain João da Silva, played by actor Joaquim de Almeida. The film Vermelho Brasil is an international blockbuster between France, Brazil, Portugal and Canada, and TV Globo aired it on its open channel on March 2, 2015 in celebration of the 450th anniversary of the founding of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Visit and like my Facebook page / miguelitoacostactorproducer