Want to join the Stick Course? Fill out the form ➡ https://forms.gle/MeJw7br4917irFoJ7 I'll call you for the course soon! ????????✔My Online Course is open! If you have any questions, send me a message. Greetings! https://pay.hotmart.com/R72314854E?sc... ????????✔Access the link and join the MKF Community on WhatsApp ❇️ https://chat.whatsapp.com/F5QfVdcwBCN... ???? Become a Member of Mundo Kung-Fu / @mundokungfu If you are a beginner, learn in this step-by-step class how to do push-ups correctly. I'll show you through 3 exercises how to start your perfect push-ups. Learn the secret and apply it in practice, good training! Continue in class 02 • ARMS PUSH-UP FROM SCRATCH - SUPER BEGINNERS... #armpush-ups #stepbystep #beginner