In November, the Czechoslovak mountaineering expedition succeeded in a magnificent first ascent of Langtang Lirung. Unfortunately, during the descent, the great Slovak climber Ondra Húserk died. The project, which was supposed to be a great next chapter in Czechoslovak mountaineering, then turned into a major topic of arguments and disputes. I am very sorry and I believe that despite the great pain, both climbing nations - Czech and Slovak - can find common ground again. I believe that the following interview can help with that. I met with Mára Holeček, who was there, and with Honza Tráva, who co-organized the logistics of the expedition and rescue work. Listen to it. I believe and hope that perhaps sometime soon I will agree with one of the Slovak climbers to talk about what a phenomenon and what a rising star the young Ondra Húserk was. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. This interview with two Czech climbers is in full length and without restrictions on YouTube and my Herohero, I don't want to charge for it. My subscribers will receive other gifts this week... Camera: Pavel Šaman Editor: Vojtěch Kosobud, Jana Horká