My child is using a pacifier to breastfeed, what should I do? This is a common question among breastfeeding mothers. Is it okay to let my child use a pacifier to breastfeed? _______________________________ 👇 Also watch: ● Theory of Exterogestation • Theory of Exterogestation - ANDRESSA B... ● Powerful Affirmations for your Breastfeeding • Video ● Invigorating Bath for Moms who don't have time for anything • Video 💁 Leave suggestions for future content in the comments! I'd love to hear from you! Video link: • My child is using a pacifier to breastfeed, what should I do? 📱 JOIN OUR GROUP ON TELEGRAM ⠀ In it, you receive direct notifications on your cell phone. To join, you need to download the Telegram app on your cell phone. If you don't have Telegram yet, go to your app store and type Telegram to find and download it, it's free. ⠀ 👉 Link to the TELEGRAM CHANNEL SINTONIA DE MÃE: 👇 https://t.me/sintoniademae If you don't have TELEGRAM, here are the links to install it 👇 ⠀ ▶ Download Telegram for iPhone: https://itunes.apple.com/br/app/teleg... ▶ Download Telegram for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... ⠀ 🙋 Follow me on social media! That way you don't miss any content! 😊 Subscribe to the channel and activate the bell to receive notifications! ✔ Follow me on Instagram: / Sintoniademae ✔ Facebook Page: / Sintoniademae ✔ Visit the Website: http://www.sintoniademae.com.br Did you watch: My son sucks on a pacifier, what should I do? 📚 TAGS: #andressabortolasso #sintoniademae Sintonia de mãe, #sintonia@yt # 76,Andressa Bortolasso, breastfeeding,andressa bortolasso, motherhood tips, mother, correct latch, correct latch when breastfeeding, correct latch for the baby, breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, breastfeeding-free, motherhood, being a mother, breast milk, weak breast milk, My son sucks on a pacifier, • My son sucks on a pacifier, what should I do? 📚 TAGS: #andressabortolasso #sintoniademae Sintonia de mãe, #sintonia@yt # 76,Andressa Bortolasso, breastfeeding, andressa bortolasso, motherhood tips, mother, correct latch, correct latch when breastfeeding, correct latch for the baby, breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, breastfeeding-free, motherhood, being a mother, breast milk, weak breast milk, My son sucks on a pacifier, • My son sucks on a pacifier, what should I do? , baby sucks on a pacifier, pacifier, hungry baby, I have no milk, weak milk, weak milk breastfeeding