The life of the British royal family has always been in the public eye and has had its own sidelines and rumors, and there have been many popular and unpopular figures who have always been in the news and media headlines, for example, Princess Diana was one of the popular figures who became the bride of this family and was loved by the people very much. But these popular people may not be given much attention within the family and rumors may be made that are fodder for the media. Apart from this, the customs and traditions and hierarchy of this family also deserve a lot of talk, for example, the restrictive rules that even decide on the clothing and hairstyle of people. Of course, many members of this family who live on the wealth of the British people may not have a problem with these frameworks, but there are also those who, like Princess Diana, want to break away from living in the most famous royal family in the world and leave it. In the most recent case, we had Prince Harry, the son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, who could no longer stand the sidelines and excessive media attention and the frameworks of this family and left the royal family. Prince Harry has recently published a book called Spare, in which he discusses some strange things that are not without pleasure. He discusses all of the things we have discussed and also tells the reason for his departure from this family. Join us in this video to review some of Prince Harry's stories with the summary of this book. Featured videos in this video: The challenging life of Princess Diana, the bride of the royal family • Princess Diana: The story of her life and the mystery of her... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recommended videos: Damas Gisimba, the man who was not passive during the height of the Rwandan genocide! • Damas Gisimba, a man who at the height of his... The life story of the creator of the Braille alphabet, Louis Braille • The life story of the creator of the Braille alphabet, ... Princess Diana: The story of her life and the mystery of the death that shook the world • Princess Diana: The story of her life and the mystery of the... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rukh Podcast Address on Social Networks ☑️ Rukh Instagram / rokh.podcast ✅ Rukh Website https://rokhpodcast.ir ☑️ Rukh Telegram https://telegram.me/rokhpodcast ✅ Rukh Podcast on Castbox https://castbox.fm/channel/id2748108?... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Podcast #Rukh #Persian_Podcast #History #Amir_Soudbakhsh #Queen_Elizabeth #Prince_Harry #Princess_Diana #Elizabeth_II #British_Royal_Family #Prince_Charles