On September 21, 2023, during the Liturgy in the Svyatogorsk Lavra, Metropolitan Arseny gave a sermon on the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. "Hurry! There is still time to fix everything!" - with this appeal the archpastor addressed the believers from the pulpit of the Dormition Cathedral. In his speech, the bishop spoke about raising children in the fear of God, answered the question of why sorrows and disasters are allowed, and what needs to be done to change everything for the better. Text version of the sermon on the website ➡️ https://svlavra.church.ua/?p=45222 Provide assistance to refugees of Donbass and for the restoration of the Lavra ???? https://svlavra.church.ua/kontakty/re... Private 5363 5420 9037 4241 (Kochubey Ivan) Paypal [email protected] https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_... Cryptocurrency USDT (TRC20) TDiLRouF8j5CNzfZf7hQuy2G1LAfayL61y Become a sponsor of the channel ???? / @svyatlavra Subscribe to the Svyatorysk Lavra channel ► https://bit.ly/2MxQ13O Svyatorysk Lavra news https://svlavra.church.ua/ Watch more videos for 2023 ???? https://bit.ly/3ZGl4ie Sermons ???? https://bit.ly/3h97n5f Multimedia calendar ???? https://bit.ly/3mDos8E Submit notes on health and repose ???? https://bit.ly/378CoQY © Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Lavra, 2023 #sermon #MetropolitanArseny #svyatlavra #Lavra_Svyatogorsk #Lavra_video_archive_2023 #Lavra #Lavra #Svyatogorsk #Svyatogorsk #Svyatogorsk