Registration for the Teaching on February 1 in St. Petersburg: https://rangjungyeshe.timepad.ru/even... In this pre-New Year interview, Lama Oleg recalls the "end of the world" of 2012 and shares his experience of spiritual practice. He talks about his path in Buddhism, the importance of proper motivation, the nature of blessings and the lineage of teachings. He also talks about obstacles on the path, the balance between faith and attachment, and how to find the strength for further development. The wisdom and humor of an experienced teacher will help you look at spiritual practice in a new way. The main topics discussed in the interview: 00:01:39 ⁃ how Lama feels about the predictions of the end of the world and how Lama spent the "end of the world" on 12/21/12; 00:05:45 ⁃ how Lama decided to connect his life with the Teaching of Buddha and where he draws inspiration from; 00:12:19 ⁃ Is it necessary to have a karmic connection to meet with the Teaching of Buddha; 00:15:14 ⁃ How can the Teaching of Buddha help an ordinary person; 00:18:21 ⁃ Can a Buddhist combine several religious movements; 00:29:17 ⁃ About the non-sectarian movement of Rime; 00:35:36 ⁃ What does the Lama mean by the word God when he pronounces it at the Teachings; 00:41:18 ⁃ What is a blessing in the traditions of the lineage of practice; 00:51:22 ⁃ How and by what means is the enlightened Mind of Buddha transmitted from Teacher to student in the 21st century. Are there still Teachers capable of such transmission; 00:52:55 ⁃ Hidden Teachings and Chokling Tersar. What is their phenomenon; 00:54:43 ⁃ where is the line between devotion to the Teacher and Sangha and a subtle form of attachment. What qualities should you develop in yourself to avoid becoming a fanatic; 00:58:58 ⁃ when is it time for a follower to stop holding on to the hand of the outer Sangha and the Teacher and start taking independent steps, trusting the inner Guru; 01:04:47 ⁃ how to overcome apathy and loss of strength, how to restore inspiration for practice; 01:11:44 ⁃ how to motivate yourself to do preliminary practices - ngondro; 01:12:54 ⁃ tools for accelerated spiritual development. A quick way to self-improvement; 01:19:34 ⁃ can a woman achieve Enlightenment in one lifetime; 01:30:21 ⁃ what does the concept of “learning to enjoy” mean, which the Lama talks about in his Teachings. And how a practitioner can reveal more wisdom. Transformation of emotions into wisdom; 01:36:53 ⁃ what do Deities in union with spouses mean. What does a spouse symbolize; 01:39:49 ⁃ what is more important: the motive or the consequences of our actions. How to properly engage in service and develop pure intention in yourself.