Documentary Film: The True Story of Besouro Mangangá. Produced in 2022 by Master Sidney de Jesus (Santo Amaro - Bahia). With the participation of several Masters, historians and residents of Santo Amaro. The documentary, as the title says, aims to tell the true facts that involved this great capoeirista Master from Santo Amaro, from his birth to events after his death. It is expected that the documentary will become teaching material, due to the lack of information and resources of this nature in formal education. It is intended that the set of information collected from researchers and historians will be a rich source of research for society in general, in addition to contributing to the conservation of our intangible culture. My name is Sidney. Email: [email protected] Contact: (75) 98155-0059 All rights reserved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [EN] Most of our videos are available with subtitles and automatic translation. Please look in the Youtube player option. Please comment, like, share and follow us :) Webstore: https://www.capoeirashop.fr Facebook: / capoeirashop.fr Instagram: / capoeirashop.fr Blog: https://www.capoeirashop.fr/en/blog TikTok: / capoeirashop WhatsApp News: https://chat.whatsapp.com/HefFbCEjZhD...