Hamburg 1 is the TV station for the Hamburg metropolitan region and reports daily on the most important events in the city. Current news, hard-hitting sport and creative entertainment - Hamburg 1 informs you about everything worth knowing about the Hanseatic city. Local television from & for Hamburg, always exciting and informative. With a technical reach of 1.9 million households, Hamburg 1 broadcasts beyond the city limits into the surrounding area. Hamburg 1 can also be received outside the Hanseatic city: With the Magenta (Telekom) service, a further 1.4 million households nationwide are reached. Hamburg 1 Aktuell, News, News, Hamburg, Live, Current, Sport, ARD, ZDF, Abendblatt, mopo, Bild, Bild, BildTV, Tagesschau, Today, HSV, HSV, St Pauli, Towers, Elbe, television, TV, reports, breaking news, breaking news, livestream, Hamburg 1, Hamburg 1 Aktuell, HH1, Asked, Frühcafe, Hamburg tips, North, Northern Germany, Magazine, Broadcast, Regional, Magazine, Regional, Bremen, Schleswig-Holstein, background, 2022, Opinion, Sea Devils, Blue Devils, Hamburg Stealers, Hamburg Huskies, Altona #Hamburg 1 Aktuell#News#News#Hamburg#Live,