In this video: MANDARIN CHINESE ALPHABET - THE BEST Chinese Letters class TODAY you will learn all the vowels and consonants of the Chinese language and more: MANDARIN CHINESE ALPHABET-https://www.aprendafalarchines.com.br... 1- the 4 tones in Chinese. • 1st tone is high and continuous. • 2nd tone starts in a medium tone and goes up. • 3rd tone starts low, from there to the bottom and goes up. • 4th tone starts from the top and then falls hard to the bottom. 2- The 7 groups and the 23 INITIALS in Chinese 声母 shēng mǔ of the Mandarin Chinese alphabet. 3- The 24 finals in Chinese, 韵母 yùn mǔ of the Mandarin Chinese alphabet. 4- The 6 simple endings 单韵母 dān yùn mǔ of the Mandarin Chinese alphabet. 5- The 9 finals composed of the Chinese alphabet 复韵母fù yùn mǔ. 6- The 5 finals with front nasal sound of the Chinese alphabet 前鼻韵母 qián bí yùn mǔ. 7- The 4 finals with occipital nasal sound of the Mandarin Chinese language 后鼻韵母 hòu bí yùn mǔ. CONTINUE WATCHING THIS CLASS ON OUR WEBSITE: https://www.aprendafalarchines.com.br/ MANDARIN CHINESE ALPHABET ------------------------------------------------------------------- Be part of our Mandarin Course Study Group: GROUP: / aprenderfalarchines WEBSITE: http://aprendafalarchines.com.br/ Big hug Cleber Souza aprenderfalarchines.com.br ONLINE MANDARIN COURSE https://www.aprendafalarchines.com.br/