KING'S MODE Gross Fashion, King's Mode and Czuber's Mode MODE Calculation - Statistical mode calculation How to calculate the mode when it is bimodal? The mode for this set is: Mo = 2. It is the number that appears the greatest number of times. In this example, the mode is: Mo = 2 or 21. So, we can say that set B is bimodal (it has two modes). How to calculate the Czuber's mode? Czuber's formula mo = Li + fmo − fant 2fmo − fant − fpos × c Where Li - lower limit of the modal class; fmo − fant - freq. modal class minus freq. previous class; fmo − fpos - freq. How to know which is the modal class? The simplest method for calculating the mode is to take the midpoint of the modal class. We call this value the gross mode. where l* = lower limit of the modal class and L* = upper limit of the modal class. statistics, king's mode, king and czuber's mode, king's mode, mode with class interval, mode with statistical class interval, arithmetic mean class intervals, class intervals, grouped data mode, grouped data median, grouped data, statistical class intervals, weighted mean, percentile, czuber's mode exercises, CZUBER'S MODE, separatrices concept, separatrices grouped data, grouped data mean median and mode, basic statistics CLASS 1 ✅ ROL AND TOTAL RANGE: LINK: • ROL AND TOTAL RANGE ✅ STATISTICS CLASS 2 ✅ ABSOLUTE AND RELATIVE FREQUENCY: LINK: • ABSOLUTE AND RELATIVE FREQUENCY ✅ THIS... CLASS 3 ✅ FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION: LINK: • FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION ✅ STATISTICS CLASS 4 ✅ MEDIAN: LINK: • MEDIAN ???? LEARN IN 9 MINUTES CLASS 5 ✅ FASHION: LINK: • STATISTICS ✅ FASHION CLASS 6 ✅ SIMPLE ARITHMETIC MEAN: • SIMPLE ARITHMETIC MEAN ✅ STATISTICS CLASS 7 ✅ WEIGHTED ARITHMETIC MEAN: LINK: • WEIGHTED ARITHMETIC MEAN ✅ STATISTICS CLASS 8 ✅ BRANCHES AND LEAVES DIAGRAM: LINK: • STATISTICS ✅ BRANCHES AND LEAVES DIAGRAM CLASS 9 ✅ QUARTILES: • 1st, 2nd and 3rd QUARTILE ✅ STATISTICS CLASS 10 ✅ CLASS CONSTRUCTION PRACTICAL METHOD: • FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION TABLE ... CLASS 11 ✅ STURGES RULE: • FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION WITH CLASS ... CLASS 12 ✅ ARITHMETIC MEAN WITH DATA GROUPED IN CLASS INTERVALS: • ARITHMETIC MEAN WITH DATA GROUPED ... CLASS 13 ✅ GROSS MODE: • GROSS MODE ✅ STATISTICS