This time I have a special guest. A guest who negotiates every day. When negotiating, he is not interested in money, contracts or economic results. He bargains for human lives. My guest is professional negotiator and head of Prague police negotiators Karel Pošíval. Karel always wanted to become a police negotiator. When the post of negotiator became available at the hotline, he did not hesitate. In the interview, you will find out how you yourself can become a police negotiator. You will get an idea of how negotiators are trained. "The big iron gate will close behind you and intensive training awaits you," says Karel. Listen to it. We will tell you if American action movies are at least a little true, what Czech police negotiators have in common with the FBI and how the intervention takes place. You learn that police negotiators are actually peaceful guys. They don't scream. They don't wash. And they don't threaten. They treat criminals with respect and build a relationship with them. Karel explains in our interview what leads them to this. We will tell you the biggest mistake about police negotiations that is circulating on the Internet. I RECOMMEND you: listen to this podcast. Karel describes what he experiences when he goes to the case. How much time does he have to prepare? Even how he starts to negotiate. He remembers a difficult case in Prague. And he compares crisis and business negotiation. Finally, we talk about the reputation of Czech police officers. And we deal with how the police negotiator proceeds when buying a new car. ???? Listen to our interview. And if you also want to learn how to negotiate and want to meet Karel in person, sign up for FBI negotiator training. Karel, not only attended my training and passed it, he comes regularly (if he is not negotiating in a police action) and tells how important emotions are for negotiations and how we use identical tactics during negotiations in business. Karel, an excellent negotiator and my good friend, can judge it. #ArgumentyNefungjuj If you ever look with slight disdain at the work of police officers, remember that they have a hard job, they save people's lives and destinies. So thanks Karl! And thanks to all the police negotiators. https://www.fascinating.academy/