6 Week Shoulder Tendinopathy Protocol: https://www.physiowods.com/tendinopat... Is collagen supplementation effective for tendons? What the scientific evidence says In this video Ana Galeote tells us what the scientific evidence tells us about the effectiveness of collagen supplementation for tendon health. Do not do these exercises if they cause you pain. These recommendations do not replace the treatment or consultation of a physiotherapist and are educational content. Ana Galeote is the founder and CEO of PhysioWods, Physiotherapist, Anthropologist, Expert in Sports Physiotherapy, Master in Musculoskeletal Osteopathy, Master in Pediatrics, Master in Neuroimmunology, CrossFit Level 2 Trainer and FRC specialist in Mobility. ---Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PHYSIOWODS/... 6 Week Shoulder Tendinopathy Protocol: https://www.physiowods.com/tendinopat... 6 Week Protocol for Hip Pain: https://www.physiowods.com/dolorcadera 6 Week Protocol for Low Back Pain: https://www.physiowods.com/dolorlumbar 6 Week Shoulder Rehabilitation Protocol: https://www.physiowods.com/protocolod... 6 Week Knee Rehabilitation Protocol: https://www.physiowods.com/protocolor... My Online Mobility Programming: https://www.physiowods.com/healthy-mo... Online Mobility Course for Coaches and Physiotherapists: https://www.physiowods.com/physiowods... Rehabilitation Protocols: https://www.physiowods.com/protocolos Website: https://www.physiowods.com Instagram: /physiowods Contact: https://www.physiowods.com/contacto --- VIDEO PRODUCED BY Álvaro Clausen Recorded at CrossFit HEiM