Welcome to the “BABÁ RAÍ DE OTI OFICIAL” Channel - The Channel aims to elucidate, clarify, clarify, unveil, resolve, unravel, elucidate, those who seek to know a little more about the Ketu Candomblé Religion. A channel rich in entertainment that will make your minutes or hours on YouTube much more interesting! I made the Saint and did not incorporate! Do all people incorporate the energy of the Orixá? Is initiation only valid if there is a trance? Babalorixá Raí de Oti answers in a clear and objective way for everyone to understand, check it out... • I MADE THE SAINT, BUT I DID NOT INCORPORATE :( ✔ Leave your like, subscribe to the channel, feel free to suggest videos in the comments and activate the bell so you can receive notifications of new videos!!! ✔ SERVICE WITH APPOINTMENT (BUZIOS GAME) PHONE: 11 99775-7926 SOCIAL MEDIA BABÁ RAÍ FACEBOOK: Babalorisa Raí de Oti INSTAGRAM: Bàbá_Raí_De_Oti YOUTUBE: Bàbá_Raí_De_Oti Official