MetroTV, The public was shocked after a video of an elementary school student with the initials MI being asked to study on the floor by her homeroom teacher because she did not pay her tuition fees. According to the homeroom teacher Haryanti, MI was punished because her parents did not pick up her semester report card and had been in arrears on her tuition fees for three months, amounting to one hundred and eighty thousand rupiah. Haryanti also confirmed that the punishment given was her personal policy and not the policy of the school or foundation. Why can educational problems like this happen? Does a student need to know about paying tuition fees? What evaluations should be carried out? #tuitionfee #studyonthefloor #schoolstudent #hotroom #hotmanparis ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Also follow our social media to get the latest information updates! Website: https://www.metrotvnews.com/ Facebook: / metrotv Instagram: / metrotv Twitter: / metro_tv TikTok: / metro_tv Metro Xtend: https://xtend.metrotvnews.com/