Follow Felicia: Youtube: / feliciaaveklew Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feliciaavek... Tiktok: Do you like this series? Then watch when Johanna is visited by Sanna Jörnvik. Youtube - https://bit.ly/3MtLX2L Products we used: (Affiliate links) Johanna's routine: Weleda: https://c.klar.na/al/80hN/ Smashbox primer: https://c.klar.na/ al/7lRK/ Foundation: https://c.klar.na/al/7zJK/ Cream bronzer: https://adtr.co/zSJrxN Blush: https://c.klar.na/al/70Rn/ Concealer: https://c.klar.na/al/7nFX/ Powder: https://c.klar.na/al/7nFc/ Eyeshadow base: https://c.klar.na/al/7ff1/ Eyeshadow palette: https://lyko.com/sv/urban-decay/urban... (expired...) Mascara: https://c.klar.na/al/80hg/ ROuge: https://3ina.com/products/the-blush?v... (available at lyko but not the right color) Spray: https://c.klar.na/al/7lf7/ Lip pencil: Caia Lovisa Gloss: caia Bryngel: https://c.klar.na/al/80hm/ Felicia's routine: Pink primer: https://www.glowrecipe.com/products/w... primer: https://c.klar.na/ al/80hP/ Milk primer: https://c.klar.na/al/80hQ/ Foundation: https://c.klar.na/al/80hT/ Cream bronzer: https://c.klar.na/al/7N5h/ Blush: https: //c.klar.na/al/7ZYj/ Concealer: https://kosas.com/products/revealer-c... Loose powder: lots of different xD Powder: https://c.klar.na/al/7xVi / Face palette: https://c.klar.na/al/80hW/ LOOSE BRONZER: https://caiacosmetics.se/sv/smink/kin... Eye shadow palette: https://www.beautybay.com/p/made-by -m... Mascara: https://c.klar.na/al/80hi/ Spray :https://c.klar.na/al/80hk/ Lip pencil: Caia Lovisa GLoss: https://www.revolve.com/tower-28-shin... Nyx: https://c.klar.na/al/80hn/ Johanna's YouTube channel is one of the few channels that invites the viewer to a varied world in form of content everything from golf but also beauty, fashion and of course a lot of makeup. For Johanna, it is always super important to show you, a life where it is possible to like both sport and fashion with always the highest quality and transparency!