Visit my website, enter your email and receive exclusive material about elderly caregivers: http://www.erlainerezende.com.br Join our #cuidadoreshumanos group on WhatsApp: ???????? https://erlainerezende.com.br/kr/whats Join our #cuidadoreshumanos group on Telegram: http://www.erlainerezende.com.br/kr/c... You can also find me: Facebook: / erlainerezendeoficial Instagram: / erlainerezende If you are a Elderly Caregiver, you need to watch this video! Did you know that the older the elderly person, the greater the chances of them having Alzheimer's? That's right, that's why Alzheimer's is such a common disease in the elderly, and that's also why you, a caregiver who seeks to be valued and recognized, need to have mastery over this subject and understand everything, what the causes are, what the best treatment is, what techniques need to be applied on a daily basis, etc. So if you want to learn everything about Alzheimer's Disease and become a SuperCaregiver, ready to take care of any patient, this video is for you! I take care of myself and you too! Consult your geriatrician regularly. Dr. Erlaine Rezende Specialist in Elderly Care #humancaregivers #whomothercares