This is a very controversial topic, many foods can be harmful, especially if eaten frequently and in excess. Let's see which foods you've been talking about the most and whether they're really harmful. Let's go! THIS VIDEO IS EXCLUSIVELY INFORMATIVE AND IN NO WAY REPLACES A MEDICAL CONSULTATION. Feel free to comment, I'll answer as many comments as I can! SERVICE IN BELO HORIZONTE AND SÃO PAULO To schedule your appointment in SÃO PAULO, click on the link: https://bit.ly/3sJRLeC Bento de Andrade Street, 146 - Jardim Paulista, São Paulo/SP Phone: (11) 91847 - 5501 To schedule your appointment in BELO HORIZONTE, click on the link: https://bit.ly/3mlJ9JU Rio de Janeiro Street 2702 9th floor Lourdes, Belo Horizonte-MG Phone: (31) 99720 - 1872 Follow me on social media: Facebook: / drmarcelowerneck Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.marcelow... Dr. Marcelo Giusti Werneck Côrtes CRMMG 44832 CREMESP 210383 RQE 25133 #drmarcelowerneck #pioresalimentosdomundo #healthyfood 1:04 Are processed meats and sausages bad? Is red meat bad? 2:05 Is soda bad? 2:40 Is fried food bad? Why is fried food bad? 3:00 Is beer bad? Is alcoholic beverages bad? 3:41 Is gluten bad? 5:12 Is milk bad? 6:31 Is hydrogenated fat bad? Is trans fat bad? 7:15 Is canned food bad? 7:33 Is granola bad? 8:01 Are organic foods really better? 8:57 Should I cut out all superfluous foods? 10:08 Is salt bad? Is too much sodium bad? 10:40 Is pizza bad? 11:00 Is ramen bad? 11:32 Is margarine bad? 12:25 Food isn't bad, what's bad is excess and frequency 12:47 Does tapioca make you fat? Is tapioca bad? 14:24 Is chocolate bad? 15:30 Is ready-made seasoning bad?