Chicken kebab Recipe: 1 kg of chicken meat (already deboned) 150 g of pork fat 100-120 g of onion 2 tbsp. salt 0.5 g. black pepper 0.5 tsp. red pepper 1/3 tsp. red hot pepper 1.5 tbsp. serve dried lemon (basil or thyme according to taste) with onions and mixed greens. The method of preparation is detailed in the video. Bon appetit. Recipe: 1 kg of chicken meat 150 g of pork fat 100-120 g of onion 2 h.l. salt 0,5ч.л. черный перец 0,5ч.л. красный перец 1/3ч.л. красный острый перец 1,5ст.л. Thyme (basil or thyme to taste) served with onions and greens. The method of preparation is shown in detail in the video. Pleasant appetite. beef kebab 👇 • как готовить люля-кебаб на мангале чт... grilled with chicken and pork meat 👇 • grilled pork and chicken meat: juicy... Recipe: 1 kg of chicken meat (already deboned) 150 g of pork fat 100-120g of onion 2 tsp. of salt 0.5t.sp. black pepper 0.5 tsp. red pepper 1/3 tsp. red hot pepper 1.5tb. sp. dried thyme (or basil to taste) serve with onions and greens. The method of preparation in details is in the video. Bon Appetit. #кябаб #хавикабаб #кебаб #kebab #recipes #armeniankitchen #haykakanxohanoc #baxadratomser #рецепты #армянскаякухня #xohanoc #recipes #armeniankitchen #baxadratomser #haykakanxohanoc #армянскаякухня #рецепты #мясныеблюда #кебабы #кебабыизкурицы #куриныекебабы #какприготовить #какприготовитькебабы #мясонаогне