More useful information in our telegram channel: https://t.me/genesis_hockey Head coach Vadim Guskov: / vadim_guskov65 * Join the Order of Hockey Professionals: https://t.me/kovalg29 *Meta product - recognized as extremist and banned in the Russian Federation In this issue, we will determine your level of stick handling. This complex will help you become better, do the exercises with a short pause of several repetitions and this will turn out to be a good workout for developing the quality of dribbling and stick handling technique. What level did you stop at? Write in the comments! Send us in telegram how you do the exercises and work online with us! Thanks to the Ice Complex "Champion" for helping to create the issue! https://arenachampion.ru/ #hockey #dribbling #nhl #stickhandlingtechnique #dribblinginhockey #hockeytraining #genesisbycherkas #cherkasatlant #hockeytraining