COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS GETTING INITIATIVE: Marileda de Souza Ferreira Pedro José Ferreira DIRECT PARTICIPATION: Elaine Lucimara Cândido dos Santos Pereira Rafaela Carvalho Vargas MAKING SANTA CLAUS'S CLOTHES: Gardenia Pedrosa SANTA CLAUS'S TRANSPORTATION: João Batista dos Santos (João da Dande) SANTA CLAUS : Wilkey Sebastião Augusto PAINTED THE CHILDREN'S FACES: Mara Lúcia Santos de Paula TRIPLE BED: Pedro José Ferreira Pedro Paulo Alves COTTON SWEET: Pedro José Ferreira COURT DECORATION: Fernanda Aparecida Goveia Freitas Maria José Batista Renata Cássia de Oliveira Freitas Vânia by Cássia Batista Oliveira SOUND AND DISSEMINATION: Ildeano Sebastião Silva João Batista de Paula Primo Rádio Batistana FM 87.9 CHRISTMAS DIRECTION, EDITION AND COORDINATION: Terezinha Célia Silva CHARACTERS / ACTORS: Anjo Gabriel: Daniel Lara Alves Our Lady: Marcela Lara São José : Luiz Antônio Alves MUSIC: SALVE MARIA COMPOSITION: Fr. Jocy Rodrigues IN THE VOICES OF: Júnia Aparecida de Paula Nery Paula Cristina Silveira Leão (also on guitar) THANKS: Escola E. São João Batista Elenice Leão Luciana Andrade Vanusa Belo IMAGES: Ildeano Sebastião Silva Maria Adriana Leão de Paula Maria Alice Machado Silva WE THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS AND DONORS OF: Money, Soft Drinks, Hot Dogs and other treats. “Ronan Alves dos Santos” Sports Court December 22, 2024 INVEST IN OUR SHARES. We have been operating since 1995 with community engagement in several dimensions, in which we highlight: environmental, community strengthening, education, sport and leisure, well-being, cleaning and beautification of our district. The actions cover the rural and urban areas of the region, aiming to protect the environment. We are surrounded by gigantic gullies, which put several homes at risk, as they are on the banks of the abyss. We carry out several actions to stop the advance of erosion, which in addition to silting up springs with the fall of banks, compromises roads, pastures and watercourses. In the past, residents planted bamboo to contain them and now, these and other plants are fuel for fires caused by fireworks, trash and other factors. PIX Key: QR Code at the end of the video AG: 0001 CP: 65.308.056. SICOOB Creditors. Kind regards: Ildeano Sebastião Silva Contact email: [email protected] / ildeanomf This channel is aimed at the sustainable development of Morro do Ferro. Here you will find new and old videos about the Morro do Ferro district. Also visit my Facebook: / ildeano