Listen on all platforms: https://orcd.co/casaramilaovivo Follow Casa Ramil on social media: FACEBOOK / casaramil YOUTUBE / @casaramil27 INSTAGRAM / casaramil Casa Ramil Kleiton, Kledir, Vitor, Ian, Gutcha, Thiago and João Ramil Arrangements: Casa Ramil Vocal arrangements: Kleiton Ramil KLEITON – steel guitar, violin, percussion KLEDIR – nylon guitar, Venezuelan cuatro, electronic effects VITOR – steel guitar, viola, saz, percussion, harmonium, midi controller IAN – steel guitar, saz, percussion, monotrom and harmonium GUTCHA – percussion, fiddle, harmonium THIAGO – bass, steel guitar, guitar, midi controller, electronic effects JOÃO – percussion, bass CASA RAMIL Author: Vitor Ramil VIRA VIROU Author: Kleiton Ramil ARTICLE 5th Authors: Leo Aprato and Ian Ramil BLACKBERRY Author: Thiago Ramil SELF-PORTRAIT Authors – Kleiton Ramil and Kledir Ramil STAR, STAR Author: Vitor Ramil TURTLE Authors: Gutcha Ramil and Dessa Ferreira SONG Authors: Thiago Ramil and Bruno Volkmer RAMILONGA Author: Vitor Ramil THE LITTLE ANIMAL Author: Ian Ramil ST. JOHN'S NIGHT Authors – Pery Souza and Kledir Ramil LEAVING THE PAYMENT Authors: Vitor Ramil and João da Cunha Vargas Documented on video by: Director: Renato Falcão Director of photography: Renato Falcão Editing: LGGuerra and Juliano Falcão Finalization: LGGuerra Cameras: Dimitri Lucho, Javali Fabrício, Lucas Moraes, Marcel D'Alagnol, Pedro Balestreri and Thomaz Crocco Audio recording: André Colling Assistants: Binho Schiavon and Henrique de Oliveira Mixing and Mastering: Leo Bracht (Transcendental Audio) Production Coordination: Branca Ramil (Ramil e Uma Produções) Executive Production: Kaio Ramil Cover: Taíse Kodama, Mateus Avila (Koav Design e Cultura) and Lucas Levitan Casa Ramil Logo: Afonso de Lima Produced by: CASA RAMIL Idealized by: Branca Ramil SHOW: Karina Ramil (Kleiton's daughter) – stage direction Isabel Ramil (Vitor's daughter) – videos and lighting in partnership with uncle Marcelo Linhares (Branca's husband) Kaio Ramil (Kleiton's son) – executive production Branca Ramil (K&K and Vitor's sister, Ian, Gutcha, Thiago, João, Isabel, Karina and Kaio's aunt) – production direction Lighting: Marcelo Linhares and Isabel Ramil Sound Operators: André Colling (PA) and Lauro Maia (Monitor) Roadies: Marcelo Feijó, Piquet Coelho, Rafael Pacheco Local Production: Cida Cultural Documented on video under the direction of Renato Falcão Recorded live at Theatro São Pedro in Porto Alegre/RS in March 2018