Alexandra Loras also shows her face to Brazil! Alexandra Loras arrived in Brazil as a French consul, after having lived in several countries around the world. In Paris, she studied Political Science, was a journalist and television presenter. Brazil was the family's final choice after her husband's diplomatic service ended. During the interview, she said that her father was born in Gambia and her mother in France, and that her African origins had a great influence on her cultural and spiritual formation. Alexandra became an activist against racism and works as a consultant for large companies in hiring and monitoring the careers of women. Upon realizing the difficulty that black women face in reaching leadership positions and achieving professional success, even with a good education, Alexandra began offering free mentoring to this audience and created the Instituto Protagonismo Feminino. #TVCultura #BrasilMostraATuaCara #AlexandraLoras #Activist #Racism ▶️ DOWNLOAD THE CULTURA PLAY APP ▶️ Play Store: http://bit.ly/3KUUHhI Apple Store: http://apple.co/3LgEK72 Subscribe to the channel and click the bell to be notified of news! Follow TV Cultura on social media! Facebook: / tvcultura Twitter: / tvcultura Instagram: / tvcultura TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tvcultura?lan... Website: https://tvcultura.com.br/