White Chocolate Peanut Cheesecake Recipe, a super delicious option to enjoy this spring. Do you want to know how to make it? Write down the ingredients and watch the video, I'll explain everything in simple steps. INGREDIENTS Base Cookies 140 g Melted butter 70 g Filling Cream cheese 340 g Peanut butter 200 g Cream 150 cc Sugar 100 g Egg 2 u Corn starch 20 g SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE: http://goo.gl/EOSUCr CANDY COOKBOOK: http://www.esteficolombo.com/ IF YOU LIVE ABROAD: http://www.esteficolombo.com/Extranjero/ TWITTER: / esteficolombo INSTAGRAM: / esteficolombo FACEBOOK: https:/facebook.com/esteficolombochef #ESTEFICOLOMBORECETAS #RECETASENCUARENTENA #COCINARENCASA