Starting from Gorfigliano, take a small road in the upper part of the town and, following first faded red signs and then into the woods, you reach the E ridge of Mirandola in the open. The ridge is long, with generally good rock mixed with paleo in certain sections (generally I°, a couple of II° sections) and finally arrives at a large and characteristic grassy ledge (you can already see it from Gorfigliano) that allows you to cautiously reach the summit. Descent from the beautiful and panoramic NE ridge, also on good rock up to altitude 1442, until you enter the woods to the left of the wire for a long and confusing stretch; finally you come out into the open with a series of cairns up to the saddle of M. Calamaio from where, on the right, you follow a path that is initially clean then dirty and very overgrown with which you return to Gorfigliano. L = 6.2 km H = 900 m T = 6 h