Screenwriter and actor Antonio Tabet is this week's guest on “Muito Alguém Coisa”, a videocast by writer Tati Bernardi on Universal UOL. Tabet tells how he was kicked out of his home at age 16, after losing his father to aggressive brain cancer. A comedian, he remembers the police officer who inspired his character “Peçanha”, clarifies his political stance and says that humor pays a price that no politician has paid with political polarization. #T02EP41 #desculpaalgumacoisa ________________________________________________ Welcome to UNIVERSA. SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/2gLZcOr **UNIVERSA ON FACEBOOK ** / universauol ** FOLLOW UNIVERSA ON INSTAGRAM ** / universa_uol ** VISIT OUR PAGE ** https://universa.uol.com.br