Synopsis of the animation of Old Tales: The subject of the screenplays is based on the stories of Masnavi, Bostan and Golestan, which were rewritten once and some adventures were added to make it more attractive. Each episode has a separate story with specific characters and follows a specific topic. ---------------------------------------- Old Tales - Grocer and Rogue Thief Subscribe for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/PersianWonder... --------------------------------- ------- Iranian animation director of Ancient Tales: Alireza Kavian-Rad, author of Persian animation Ancient Tales: Mohammad Mirkiani Release year: 2012 Genre: Animation ----------------- ----------------------- The subject of the scripts is based on the stories of Masnavi, Bustan and Golestan, which were once rewritten and adventures were added to make it more interesting. Each part of the story has a separate story with specific characters and follows a specific theme. ---------------------------------------- Ghesehaye Kohan - Baghal o Dozde Nabekar Director: Alireza Kavianrad Author: Mohammad Mirkiani Release: 2013 Genre: Animation ---------------------------------------------------- - View more videos: • Ghesehaye Kohan Old stories ----------------------------------------- #Animation #Old_tales #Ghesehaye_Kohan # Iranian_animation #انیمیشن_فارسی #animation #بقال_و_دزد_نابکار In order to respect the rights of the publishers, we have fully licensed this video and have the right to publish it on YouTube.