Visit my website, enter your email and receive exclusive material about elderly caregivers: http://www.erlainerezende.com.br Join our #cuidadoreshumanos group on WhatsApp: 🔗👉 https://erlainerezende.com.br/kr/whats Join our #cuidadoreshumanos group on Telegram: http://www.erlainerezende.com.br/kr/c... You can also find me: Facebook: / erlainerezendeoficial Instagram: / erlainerezende If you want to be a Successful Caregiver, valued and recognized as a health professional, in this video I come to give you tips so that you can deal with aggressive patients. Many cases of aggression happen because of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Dementia, for example. And because of this, the disease causes the elderly to have these more aggressive attitudes, and you, as a humanized elderly caregiver, need to know how to handle the elderly, with patience, intelligence and professionalism! In this video we will understand this behavior, why it happens and what we can do to deal with this situation. This is great content that you can't miss! So press play and check out these great tips! I take care of myself and you too! Consult your geriatrician regularly. Dr. Erlaine Rezende Specialist in Elderly Care #humancaregivers #whobreastcares