She is the 14th generation of a family of Danube fishermen from Straubing, but her father thinks that fishing is not a job for girls. So Katharina Mayer studies to be a dental assistant. When her father falls ill, she goes out on the Danube... and fishes for happiness! Author: Birgit Fürst From the TV broadcast on October 3rd, 2020 The recipes from the article can be found here: Ceviche: br.de/br-fernsehen/sendungen/zwischen-spessart-und-karwendel/ceviche-rezept-100.html Smoked trout fillets with tomatoes and rocket: https://www.br.de/br-fernsehen/sendun... More from Between Spessart and Karwendel: https://1.ard.de/Spessart-Sendungssta... And in the BR Mediathek: https://1.ard.de/Spessart-Karwendel #donaufischen #frau #zwischenspessartundkarwendel