ABU-HASAN is one of Caragiale's masterpieces. The impeccable methods of revealing human nature are as seductive today as they were when the master put his hand to the pen to write it. Here it is also in audiobook format. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, to be the first to know when I publish the next audiobook! SUBSCRIBE! I would be happy to know your opinion, leave me a comment. SHARE and LIKE, if you think it's worth it! I am part of the generation that listened to a lot of radio theater and I know what joy it can bring, regardless of whether we are talking about plays or poetry, fairy tales, stories, short stories or novels in audio format. Great literature cannot be replaced by any of the ultra-modern technological conquests, but it can enter our homes and in these ways, in the form of an audio book. I wish you a pleasant audition! Thumbnail made with AI. You can find my photography courses at: www.rgbphotography.ro You can find my public speaking courses at: www.rgbspeech.ro