BE PART OF THE MOST INNOVATIVE METHODOLOGY IN THE COUNTRY AND ACHIEVE YOUR FREEDOM TO LIVE THE LIFE YOU ALWAYS WANTED. Join over 6,000 transformed people and be awesome! Take advantage of the flash opening of Sexy Canvas Academy to join the best community in Brazil. https://lp.sexycanvas.com/academy RECEIVE A REWARD FOR BEING PART OF THE SEXY MOVEMENT ON YOUTUBE ???? In each episode you will find a word written on the screen that, at the end of the 8 episodes, will form a sentence that will give you a great reward... Find the word of this episode, write it down, and don't tell anyone, there will be only 1 winner. SexyCast is the only podcast that addresses the Self Journey, one of the pillars of the Nobel Prize-worthy methodology: Sexy Canvas. Guests will share their stories, insights and how they went through Self 1, 2 and 3! A new episode airs every Tuesday at 6pm. Discover everything about Sexy Canvas for your personal and professional life. The only methodology that has uncovered the shortcuts of the human mind and how you can use it to your advantage to achieve your goals. / andrediamand 0:00:00 Intro 0:02:00 What transformation do you provide? 0:06:40 Artificial Intelligence is transforming society 0:08:15 Two professions that will survive AI 0:20:20 Essential tip 0:26:35 Let's do a hack to change Brazil 0:35:06 You love people who are out of the ordinary 0:38:32 Maternal block makes adults greasy and paternal block makes fun of their communication 0:49:44 the five types of basic communication expression 0:54:53 the compliment I like to hear the most 0:58:20 It's going to make 100k offline 1:05:36 this is very Black Mirror 1:09:55 if the guy likes all my content, he's an imbecile. 1:11:49 Final words ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is the Sexy Canvas Methodology? Sexy Canvas is the methodology that maps the sensations of the human mind and uses them as a tool to attract and win customers. With this, you will sell more and create products, brands, communication and even a much more attractive personal and professional image! Sexy Canvas is the way to make your customer attracted and passionate about your product. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who is Andre Diamand? A hacker of the human mind, Andre Diamand is the guy responsible for creating Sexy Canvas, a powerful methodology that maps and uses customer desires as tools to increase sales and create more attractive products, and already has more than 3,600 students in his online course. He started programming computers at age 7, graduated in electronic engineering from UFRJ, was the youngest manager hired by IBM, created and sold a company for more than 20 million reais and was president of the Brazilian Association of Startups. Andre is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor, mentor, speaker and great scholar of human behavior, being recognized by big names in Brazilian entrepreneurship as one of the most brilliant minds in the country. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL: / @andrediamand Instagram: / andrediamand Access our channel on Telegram for exclusive content: https://t.me/joinchat/WJY66b43I6vDVYW9