Summary of the series Love Without a Face The full story: The events of the series Love Without a Face revolve around our hero, the handsome businessman who has a disease called face blindness, and his personality is a bit difficult, but not for our daughter Mireen, who expects him and makes him turn into a cat with her, and the secret is her hot chocolate. A poor girl, everyone bullies her, but she works for an arrogant young man who turns her into a beautiful girl and is shocked that he has face blindness ---------- The Sweet Summaries channel provides quick and fun summaries of the most famous Asian, Chinese and Korean series, with a unique voiceover with funny jokes that make the viewing experience more enjoyable. With Sweet Summaries, you will definitely enjoy useful and entertaining content at the same time, with a lot of excitement and fun that you will only find in our summaries. Don't forget, my dears, to subscribe to the channel ✓ and activate the notification bell ♪ to receive all our new content 🍃🌺 ---------- ✨ Script: Alia ✨ ✨ Voiceover: Heba Tariq ✨ ---------- Chinese romantic series Romantic comedy series New Chinese series Romantic comedy Chinese series Comedy series Korean series summaries Korean series Korean series summary Korean series movie summaries Korean series Korean series summary Chinese series series summary Korean series summary Korean series summary New Chinese series Series summaries Korean series summary Sweet summaries channel Sweet summaries channel Sweet summaries Sweet summaries ---------- #Movie_Summary #Movie_Summaries #Movie_Review #Summary #Movie